About me

Hi! Nice to meet you!
My name is Marcin and I’m a Frontend Developer from Warsaw, Poland.


  1. 6+ years of experience (~4 of commercial experience)
  2. perfection freak
  3. problem solver
  4. love to share knowledge


I started learning front-end technologies as a hobby in February 2017. At the time of writing (February 2024) I have about 4 years of commercial experience (mostly in one of the biggest e-commerce stores in Poland).

When I started my coding journey, I decided not to just "create another project to add to my portfolio", but things that are solutions to people's problems. It's a wonderful feeling to know that with a few lines of HTML, CSS, and JS, I can create a tool that helps me or someone else in their work.

I love to code beautiful and useful landing pages made by awesome graphic and UX designers that I'm working with. Figma FTW!

I am also part of a team of developers who are responsible for many functionalities of our online store and improving its usability.

I am really into sharing my knowledge with others, so I often write detailed documentation for many things that I do and sometimes I conduct training sessions.

So, again, nice to meet you and welcome to mycoding.place